Touring Historic Willow Glen Book Orders
Touring Historic Willow Glen: Ten Walking Loops was a joint effort between the WGNA and Preservation Action Council of San Jose. In a little over 100 pages, Touring Historic Willow Glen manages to capture everything that makes Willow Glen such a wonderful place to live -- its richness in history, balance of nature and architecture, and walkability. Grab a copy of the book, take a walking tour, and fall in love with Willow Glen like we have.
You can purchase Touring Historic Willow Glen: Ten Walking Loops at these local retailers:
Grace on the Avenue (1100 Lincoln Ave. #150)Hicklebee's (1378 Lincoln Ave.)Three Sisters (1393 Lincoln Ave.)Top Nosh (1167 Lincoln Ave.)Underground (1342 Lincoln Ave.)Whatnots and Dodads (1130 Lincoln. Ave.)Zanotto's (1421 Foxworthy Ave.)
If you'd like to distribute Touring Historic Willow Glen through your business, please complete this quick survey, and we'll follow up with you ASAP.
Public Works on Minnesota Avenue
As part of our mission, the Willow Glen Neighborhood Association aims to keep our community informed on a variety of planned city improvement projects.
For those of you who live nearby or commute through Minnesota Avenue: From September 2014 through January 2015, the City of San José’s Department of Public Works will be replacing sewer lines on Minnesota between Bird and Lincoln Avenues. You can download this city fact sheet for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project and its effects on the surrounding neighborhood, you are welcome to contact Amanda Lei in the Public Works Department at (408) 535-8478.
We encourage you to share this information with your neighbors!
Talkin' Bike Lanes
Join the City of San José Department of Transportation (DOT) and your fellow neighbors for a conversation about proposed bicycle‐related street improvements in and around Willow Glen. There will be a public meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, at Gardner Community Center, 520 W. Virginia Street.
The following projects will be discussed:
Lincoln Avenue: ADD Bicycle Lanes between Willow Street and San Carlos Street; ADD Shared Lane pavement markings and signing between San Carlos Street and Park Avenue
Scott‐Auzerais: ADD Shared Roadway pavement markings between MacArthur Avenue and Los Gatos Creek Trail
Stockton Avenue: ADD Bicycle Lanes between The Alameda and Emory Street
Julian Street: ADD Bicycle Lanes between The Alameda and Guadalupe River Trail
Park Avenue: ADD new and improve existing Bicycle Lanes from Market Street to the Santa Clara city limits
For additional information, download this flyer or contact John Brazil at (408) 975‐3206 or [email protected].
Continue reading
Join us for a Night Out!
Join the Willow Glen Neighborhood Association, Willow Glen Charm, and the San Jose Police Department Tuesday, August 5th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Willow Glen Town Square (Lincoln and Willow) to celebrate the 31st Annual National Night Out.
Come meet your neighbors and celebrate our community for an evening that includes free frozen custard from Willow Glen Creamery, free desserts, and plenty of dinner discounts from local businesses including The Table, Willow Street Pizza, and Lou’s Village!
RSVP here:
West Nile Fogging in Willow Glen
The Mercury News reports that the recent discovery of mosquitoes infected with the West Nile virus in the 95125, 95126 and 95128 zip codes means the Santa Clara County Vector Control District will be ground-fogging today in our area, with most of the work centered around Fruitdale and Leigh Avenues. You can click here to see a map of the areas being fogged.
Here are some tips from the Vector Control District for protecting yourself and your fellow residents:
Drain or dump standing water weekly since this is where mosquitoes lay eggs.
Check items such as flowerpots and planter bases, toys, cans, leaky water faucets and sprinklers, rain gutters, buckets, pools, ponds, and old tires.
Clean and scrub bird baths and pet-watering dishes weekly.
Make sure your doors and windows have tight-fitting screens.
Limit outdoor activities during dusk and dawn to prevent mosquito bites. Those are the times when the mosquitoes that transmit WNV are most active.
Dress in long sleeve shirts and long pants, preferably of light colors.
Apply insect repellent following label instructions.
Contact the Vector Control District if you are being bothered by mosquitoes or know of a potential mosquito-breeding source.
For free assistance on mosquito control or West Nile virus, residents can contact the District office by calling (408) 918-4770 or fill out a service request online at
Public Works on Pine Avenue
As part of our mission, the Willow Glen Neighborhood Association aims to keep our community informed on a variety of planned city improvement projects.
For those of you who live nearby or commute through Pine Avenue: From July through November 2014, the City of San José’s Department of Public Works will be replacing sewer lines on Pine between Bird and Lincoln Avenues as well as parts of Ellen, Juanita, Jonathan, and Johnston Avenues off Pine. You can download this city fact sheet for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project and its effects on the surrounding neighborhood, you are welcome to contact Matthew Tan in the Public Works Department at (408) 535-5671.
We encourage you to share this information with your neighbors!
Willow Glen Votes
With record low turnout expected in Tuesday's gubernatorial primary election, we thought we'd take a moment and remind you to participate in the democratic process. There are number of critical issues and a variety of races on the ballot, including a choice for the next Mayor of San José. We're not here to endorse anybody, and we don't have a horse in any race. Our only interest is making sure your voice is heard.
If you vote by mail, it is too late to mail in your ballot and have it counted. Ballots must be received by the Registrar of Voters or a local polling place by 8pm Tuesday night. For your convenience, we put together this list of polling locations in the Willow Glen area, which will be open from 7am to 8pm.
The Registrar does not expect any delays on Election Day, so if you vote at the polls, it should be smooth sailing! If you have any questions, you can visit the Registrar online at, or you can call them at (408) 299-VOTE (8683).
We look forward to providing you with opportunities to meet candidates and get to know the issues in advance of the general election this November. In the meantime, stay tuned to this website and our social media channels for updates on how you can get involved in our community.
Under New Management!
At our annual meeting on Thursday, May 22nd, the Willow Glen Neighborhood Association formally elected a new slate of board members and officers for the 2014-2015 term. We are pleased to announce WGNA's new leadership team:
President - Chris Roth
1st Vice President - Richard Zappelli
2nd Vice President - Nancy Rice
Secretary - Ryan Elliott
At Large Officers - Peter Allen, Debbie Cain, Jeannette Calomeni, Mayra Flores De Marcotte, David Machado, Archie Moore, Chris Shaushkin
Thank you for supporting your neighborhood association. In the coming weeks, there will be some changes to our Facebook pages to better serve you and our community.
Stay tuned!
WGNA 2014-15 Officer Elections
The Willow Glen Neighborhood Association is due to elect officers for the term of June 2014 to May 2015. There are currently no contested races, so members are asked to approve a slate organized by our Nominating Committee (see below). Members are also asked to approve WGNA bylaws as adopted by the Board of Directors in November 2013. You can view those bylaws here.
Online votes must be submitted no later than 12pm on Thursday, May 22, 2014. Members may also cast their votes at the WGNA annual meeting on May 22nd at 6:30pm.
PROPOSED WGNA OFFICERS 2014-15President: Chris Roth1st Vice President: Richard Zappelli 2nd Vice President (Marketing): Nancy RiceSecretary: Ryan Elliott
At-Large Officers:Peter AllenDebbie CainJeannette CalomeniMayra Flores De MarcotteRyan ElliottDavid MachadoArchie MooreChris Shaushkin
PLEASE NOTE: Personal information is requested to confirm current WGNA membership and validate your vote. This information will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
WGNA Mayoral Candidates Forum on April 24
The Willow Glen Neighborhood Association is excited to host a San José Mayoral Candidates Forum on Thursday, April 24th, at Starlite Banquet (680 Minnesota Ave.), moderated by NBC Bay Area's Damian Trujillo. There will be a candidate "meet-and-greet" beginning at 6pm. The forum begins promptly at 7pm.
Click here to learn more about this event, including how to submit a question for the candidates. Please RSVP here to let us know you're coming!
Thanks for your time, your efforts, and your dedication to being a part of a better San José. We hope to see you at the forum!
Regards,Willow Glen Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
We'd like to thank our generous sponsors for this event:
North Willow Glen Neighborhood AssociationUnited Neighborhoods of Santa Clara CountyWillow Glen CharmWillow Glen Lions Club