WGNA Advocates for local land use control.
We feel strongly that we should have a voice with our local city council rather than having to persuade state government regarding land issues.
May 2024
Kotenberg & Willow
A seven story residential building has been proposed on the corner of Kotenberg Avenue/Willow Street. The applicant is using state law to push this project, as the City has never ever planned for such a project at this location.
Click Here to Sign the Petition to Stop the 7 Story Building at 940 Willow Street
Learn more on the opposition website: http://www.stop7story.com
Please be aware the City of San Jose will be implementing AB2339 on June 22, 2024. AB2339 eliminates public hearings for “low barrier” homeless shelters. “Low barrier” allows legal or illegal drug use onsite by occupants.
AB2339 received yes votes from our state assembly reps Evan Low and Ash Kalra in 2022 without any community meeting to solicit neighborhood feedback. The law eliminates the typical requirement of a public hearing for residents to share feedback with their city council to modify or to put in place reasonable requirements. Instead these “low barrier” facilities are automatically approved with AB2339.
AB2339 provides automatic approval of these “low barrier” shelters as long as it is under 50 beds. The City on June 22 will be considering increasing this from 50 to 100 beds for a single location and expanding it from one zoning district (Industrial CIC) to eight (commercial neighborhood, PQP-schools, mixed use, urban villages).
Only one city in the county of the 15 cities has complied with AB2339.
Alma next to Elks Lodge
A Five story residential building with 92 units will be replacing the former Agave restaurant on Alma/Minnesota. Due to new state laws supported by our locally elected state representatives there will be no public hearing for neighbors at either planning commission or city council.
Lincoln & Dean
Another Willow Glen one story house approved for demolition to make way for five, two story houses located on Lincoln Ave near Dean Ave/Ellis Ave. SB330 which was initiated by San Francisco State Senator Scott Weiner and signed into law by the governor does not allow the City to deny this application nor others like it in Willow Glen. SB330 was passed under the guise of affordable housing however these new two story houses will be $3 million each.
Franquette and Coastland
Please be mindful when you vote.
Camino Ramon & Britton
WGNA requested a community meeting be held to discuss the proposed project on Camino Ramon and Britton. WGNA appreciates that the planning department held the meeting for neighbors to attend .
The applicant would like to demolish the existing single story house and replace it with five, two story houses. In addition, they wanted to remove a certain number of the mature trees on the property.
The Community meeting regarding Camino Ramon & Britton just concluded on October 12. The City arborist requested that the redwood trees not be removed so therefore the developer redrew the map to keep the trees. However, the developer still proposed to demolish the existing single story house and replace it with five, two story houses.
A public hearing will be held for final approval likely early part of next year. During that meeting renderings of the houses will be available and environmental analysis for maintaining the redwood trees. One person in the meeting advocated strongly in favor of five houses replacing one house in Willow Glen stating we need affordable housing even though these five houses will be approximately $3 million each once completed. This one advocate actually does not live in Willow Glen and is a lobbyist who has tried to subdivide lots in Willow Glen previously. Please be aware that new state laws sponsored by San Francisco State Senator Scott Wiener may not allow the city to legally deny this project. Thank you to all the Willow Glen residents who attended the meeting.
San Jose Swim & Racquet Club
This long standing recreation facility alongside the creek is being proposed for demolition for housing. The City has never contemplated housing at this site however new state law allows this.
The state legislature has significantly altered local control and we are just starting to see it's impact. During WGNA's National Night Out and general meetings residents overwhelmingly shared they want land use decisions to be made locally at City Hall rather than Sacramento.
Stay tuned.
What the demise of contentious housing law means for San Jose, San Jose Spotlight, May 2, 2024
Builder's Remedy Locations in Willow Glen
1170 Pedro St (current site of SJ Swim & Racquet)
1016-1030 Lincoln Ave
940 Willow St