April 2017 Meeting & Panel Speakers


The next WGNA Board Meeting is scheduled on Thursday 13 April 2017

PUBLIC SAFETY & CARE SERVICES will be the topic of our guest speakers and panel discussion at the next WGNA Board Meeting, scheduled on Thursday 13 April 2017.

PANEL DISCUSSION will include Eddie Garcia, Police Chief, SJPD; Curtis Jacobson, Fire Chief, SJFD; the San Jose Neighborhood Commission, and others. Members of the panel will make a presentation and discuss items such as the Evans Lane Housing Project; Planned Fire Station #37; Emergency Response Times, and other quality of life issues.

Please join us at the Willow Glen branch of the San Jose Public Library, inside the Community Room, at 1157 Minnesota Avenue.

#WillowGlen #SanJose #SJPD #SJFD #Police #Fire #Homeless #Emergency911 #EmergencyResponse #WGNA #WillowGlenCares #PublicSafety #EvansLane

Please join us at the Willow Glen branch of the San Jose Public Library, inside the Community Room, at 1157 Minnesota Avenue.

More information will be made available at WGNA.net, including the next meeting agenda and Walk to School information.

Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (see the menu for "Social Networking" on the right side of this page)