As previously noted, the Department of Transportation has requested that WGNA submit a position (pro, con, neutral) on the Lincoln Avenue Road Diet project following a three-month trial period.
Last week, our board of directors voted 9-0-1 (1 abstention) to support the road diet, based on eight months of community and member feedback, an historically robust study of traffic data by city staff, and various surveys and petitions circulated online and elsewhere.
Please click here to read our full position letter, which was submitted to the Department of Transportation today. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be sent via email to [email protected].
For a little reference, you can also read this position paper from 2011 supporting a lane reduction and other traffic calming measures on Lincoln Avenue as part of the Envision San José 2040 General Plan Update. This letter was signed by a committee of Willow Glen neighborhood leaders, many of whom continue to advocate for expanded safety on Lincoln.
We look forward to seeing how this project develops, and we will keep you informed of further opportunities for you to make your voice heard.