Volunteers Needed for Dancin' on the Avenue

WGBA_logo.pngIf you live in Willow Glen, then you probably know that Dancin' on the Avenue is coming up this Saturday, June 21st, from 2-8pm.

Our friends at the Willow Glen Business Association are working hard to make this annual street fair one to remember, but they can't do it alone. They're in need of volunteers to fill a variety of roles, and they've asked us to help spread the word.

Please download this volunteer application and contact Scott Hunter at (408) 298-2100 or [email protected] for more information or to sign up. Even if you can't volunteer, we hope to see you on the Avenue enjoying the music and atmosphere!

For those of you who won't be attending, we ask that you note the following street closures and parking restrictions:

9 AM
No Parking on Lincoln between Willow & Minnesota

10 AM
Lincoln Ave. closed between Willow & Minnesota
Brace Ave. closed up to the La Villa driveway
Meredith Ave. closed from Lincoln to end of 1st block

Please note that Willow and Minnesota will both remain open east-west and west-east directions throughout the event.