WGNA's next Monthly Board & Membership Meeting is scheduled for the second Thursday, 12 October 2017 at the Willow Glen Public Library branch at 7:00 pm.
A guest presentation will feature Devin Gianchandani and Heba El-Guendy, program managers of the City of San Jose's Department of Transportation (DOT). Together, they will provide us information on the Vision Zero and Street Smarts programs, and how the city is creating transportation improvements in the neighborhood, as well as safe, livable streets.
Devin Gianchandani will answer questions pertaining to the City of San Jose's bicycle/pedestrian program and adult encouragement programs, which is in addition to providing an overview and schedule of the Department of Transportation's paving and complete street project on Willow Glen's Minnesota Avenue. He will lead a discussion of safety concerns at Minnesota/Hicks and Minnesota/Lincoln Avenues.
Devin Gianchandani has dedicated his professional career toward efforts that promote environmental and transportation sustainability. He has an educational background in Environmental Science and a Masters of Science in Transportation Management. Gianchandani currently leads the City of San Jose's "Transportation Options Program" which includes an "Encouragement and Education" team that encourages the use of alternatives to driving alone, such as transit, carpooling, walking and bicycling; and a "Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities" team that is focused on planing and implementation of high quality pedestrian and bicycle facilities to support the City's ambitious mode shift and safety goals. Prior to working for the City, he worked as an Associate Planner and then as the Regional Rideshare Manager with RIDES for Bay Area Commuters, and prior to that, he worked as a Transportation Planner with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency.
Heba El-Guendy will describe the San Jose Vision Zero Program including its core principles. She will also present information on collisions data and trends, along with the City’s efforts to address safety issues in terms of engineering, education, evaluation and enforcement efforts.
Heba El-Guendy is San Jose's Vision Zero Program Manager and has over 25 years of transportation experience in both the public and private sectors. Her experience is in the areas of transportation planning, traffic engineering and roadway design including: complete streets, bicycle/pedestrian improvement projects, safe routes to school programs, traffic calming, ITS, traffic impact analyses, and grant application/administration. She is also experienced in community outreach, and educational and engagement programs. El-Guendy has a Master of Civil and Environmental Engineering with a focus on Transportation Planning, and she is a licensed Traffic Engineer in California.
"A traffic safety initiative to eliminate deaths and severe injuries on our roadways as soon as possible! One traffic death is one too many. Vision Zero is our City's commitment to prioritize street safety. Achieving the Vision Zero goal will Take All Of Us!"
Go to the City of San Jose's official Vision Zero web page: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/VisionZero
Vision Zero is a multi-national road traffic safety initiative aiming to achieve a road and highway system with no fatalities or serious injuries. The movement began in the 1990s in Sweden, was approved by their parliament in 1997 and has since been implemented across Europe, as well as many major cities in the United States and other nations of the world.
"A core principle of the vision is that 'Life and health can never be exchanged for other benefits within the society' rather than the more conventional comparison between costs and benefits, where a monetary value is placed on life and health, and then that value is used to decide how much money to spend on a road network towards the benefit of decreasing how much risk."
Go to the official Vision Zero Network web page: http://visionzeronetwork.org (also on Facebook)
"The City of San José started the STREET SMARTS program for schools and neighborhoods. This traffic safety education program is designed to get people thinking to help make our streets safer.
"Whether you’re a pedestrian, a cyclist, or a driver, your behavior plays a huge role in keeping our streets safe. The STREET SMARTS program brings education into the equation by building awareness, offering safety tips, and reminding all of us to take responsibility for our actions on the road.
"Street Smarts is focused on:
- Speeding
- Red light running
- Stop sign running
- School zone safety
- Crosswalk safety and compliance
"The first three behaviors are the leading causes of accidents in San José, and the last two address our most vulnerable populations — school kids and pedestrians. Our goal is to encourage people to adopt new attitudes and behaviors that will make our streets, roads, and highways safer and friendlier for everyone who uses them. It’s just another way we can respect the community in which we live!"
Go to the City's official Street Smarts web page: http://www.getstreetsmarts.org/street_smarts/
We invite you to attend with all your questions and comments... and to participate.