NEXT on WEDNESDAY 16 MAY 2018, 7:00 PM
Note: This is not on our usual day, due to our political forum that was just held May 10th.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING & URBAN LIVING SERIES: This coming meeting at the Willow Glen Public Library includes a presentation by Sandra Heredia of Charities Housing Development Corporation. She will share the insights on the Page Street Development in the W. San Carlos Urban Village Planning Area nearby Willow Glen. (See our prior speakers in this series, noted below or in the News section of our website)
TRAILS UPDATE: Additionally, we will get another Trails Update from Yves Zsutty, Trails Manager of the San Jose Parks, Recreation, & Neighborhood Services (PRNS) department. He will talk about the improvements around the Coe Avenue area, as well as points in the greater trails network.
EMERGENCY RESPONSE: Finally, we will engage a discussion on the underserved areas, and with particular regards to the long proposed Fire Station #37. Neighborhood Commissioners from District 6 are invited to speak and answer questions.