Join the City of San José Department of Transportation (DOT) and your fellow neighbors for a conversation about proposed bicycle‐related street improvements in and around Willow Glen. There will be a public meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, at Gardner Community Center, 520 W. Virginia Street.
The following projects will be discussed:
Lincoln Avenue: ADD Bicycle Lanes between Willow Street and San Carlos Street; ADD Shared Lane pavement markings and signing between San Carlos Street and Park Avenue
Scott‐Auzerais: ADD Shared Roadway pavement markings between MacArthur Avenue and Los Gatos Creek Trail
Stockton Avenue: ADD Bicycle Lanes between The Alameda and Emory Street
Julian Street: ADD Bicycle Lanes between The Alameda and Guadalupe River Trail
Park Avenue: ADD new and improve existing Bicycle Lanes from Market Street to the Santa Clara city limits
For additional information, download this flyer or contact John Brazil at (408) 975‐3206 or [email protected].
- Bicycle lanes are on‐street areas for bicycle use designated by painted lane stripes, bicycle pavement markings and signs.
- Enhanced bicycle lanes may include green color and a buffer space between bikes and cars.
- Shared lanes are designated by Shared Lane pavement markings (sharrows) in the travel lane, and by signs. Bicyclists and motorists share the same space.
- Traffic‐actuated traffic signals that do not currently detect bicycles along project corridors will be modified to add bicycle detection.