Love Gardening?
Want to Meet neighbors?
Promote Kindness and Beautify our community?
Get Involved! Join us and help with our Garden Project at Wallenberg Park.
Wallenberg Park is a City of San Jose park located at Curtner and Cherry next to Willow Glen High School. We have adopted a plot of land next to one of the Community Garden entrances.
Our monthly work day is the second Sunday of every month. See below for more information.
We planted a xeriscape which is low maintenance and drought tolerant. The goal was to have fun while creating a beautiful, self sustaining, organic garden bed. The layout is holistic, natural, and will vary with plants donated and purchased throughout the year. We hope that eventually the garden area will rely on natural rainfall, will reseed itself, and require a minimum amount of maintenance. We will used many native California plants and succulents. Please see the transformation of the garden above and below. Before it was just a weed patch, now beautiful plants, kindness rocks, and bark have transformed the garden. We are working on expanding our plantings.
We have a budget for plants through San Jose Beautify, but we will also be accepting donations of plants. We hope that the community will donate drought tolerant, California native, and/or succulents that they have propagated. This will add a special community touch to the garden area. For a list of California Native plants for this area, click here. Some suggested drought tolerant plants are Naked Ladies, Geraniums, California Poppies, Echivereas, and Sempervivums.
The kindness garden part of the project was a huge success. We have had a number of fun rock painting events at the park, as well as our annual National Night Out event in August.
Kindness rocks are hand painted rocks with kind words and pictures on them. We are always collecting donations of flat river rocks, acrylic paints, gesso/primer/sealer, and brushes. We will continue to host events for community volunteers to paint the rocks.
We get together to have fun and maintain the garden on the second Sunday of each month. Time will vary with the season. Summer is usually earlier so it is cool, and winter late morning so it is not as cold.
Up to date volunteer time slots can be found here.
Sometimes we will provide coffee, snacks or even lunch! Volunteer shirts may be available, please ask.
If you want to volunteer, have questions, comments, suggestions, please email De Anna at [email protected] or follow this link.
Before photos:
After photos:
August 2024