National Safe Routes “Walk to School” on Wednesday 11 October 2017 in Willow Glen

Seasonally, every year, Walk to School returns in autumn, and  Bike to School in the spring.  This national event is organized locally by Stakeholders for a Safe Green Village (Facebook) in partnership with the National Center for Safe Routes to School (Facebook), and Willow Glen Neighborhood Association – WGNA (Facebook) is a regular co-sponsor.



WHO: PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS for the Willow Glen event include:

Willow Glen Elementary; River Glen School K-8; Ernesto Galarza Elementary; and Hammer Montessori Elementary.  (Note: in the below, also see a separate event and venue for nearby Washington Elementary School).

WHEN & WHERE: At 7:00 AM on Thursday 11 October 2017, students, parents, and teachers will meet with others in the community at the Bank of America Parking Lot on Lincoln Avenue. We will all “Walk to School” from that location after a morning reception.

Join children & adults around the world to celebrate the benefits of walking:

● Encouraging a child’s next stage of independence
● Physical activity
● Teaching safe pedestrian & bicycling skills to children
● Awareness of how walkable & bikable community improvements can be made
● Concern for the environment Reducing traffic congestion, pollution & speed near schools
● Sharing time with community leaders, parents & children
● Creating joy and fun!
● Promoting psychological well-being and alertness
● Fostering maturation and responsibility
● Creating habits of activity, empowerment and thinking differently